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How To Clean Your Workspace?

Updated: Jul 23, 2024

An average desk has 400 times more bacteria than an average toilet seat. One survey by office supplies company Viking found the bacteria Staphylococcus on 60% of desks. These germs collect on phones, keyboards, touch screens and pens. That is why to know how to prevent the spread of bacteria at the workplace; you should also know how to clean your workplace correctly. One study found more than 3,000 micro-organisms per square inch on keyboards and over 1,600 bacteria per square inch on a computer mouse. Wipe down your phone, keyboard and mouse with antibacterial wipes, mainly if you use a shared desk. Don’t leave open food lying around as this could attract pests, which also spread germs.

Clean Your Workspace!

Regularly wash the floors and restrooms with hot water and detergent Periodically clean the floors and ceilings as well Thoroughly wash and dry mops and cloths after each use. Drying is essential as many pathogens rely on moisture to survive. If you need more advice or want a quote to clean your office premises please contact us. Click Learn more below..

Clean Your Workspace germs

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